
What Kind Of Adhesive To Use To Decorate Ceramics

Pottery made to order | repair and restoration studio in Southern Delaware

what glue is used for china repair

Epoxy Vs. Cyanoacrylate (Super Glue, Crazy Glue) for Ceramic, China or Figurine Repair

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Lakeside Pottery is a ceramic, sculpture and Kintsugi repair and restoration facility.

Many ask for advice and one of the most mutual questions is "Can I utilize Super or Crazy Glues to fix my broken ceramic or sculpture? How practise I choose? It'due south so much easier than 2-office epoxies!" At that place is a misunderstanding near the difference between super glues and epoxy and they are therefore sometimes used interchangeably merely, super glues and epoxy adhesives are different and accept specific purposes.

Should Epoxy or Super Glue be Used for Ceramic or Sculpture Repair?

It is important to answer this question before you attempt to repair a broken item that might be valuable.

1) What are the attributes of these glues?

2) What issues might these glues present?

3) What else do you need to know about these adhesives for repairing broken pottery, ceramic, rock or communist china?

Broken Ceramic Lid


Epoxies have a stiff bail, stiff structural force and are ameliorate at filling voids between parts. Epoxy consists of two parts, the hardener and the resin that must be combined and mixed well. In some brands, the resin and the hardeners are different colors. Mixing the two generates a third color that tin can tell y'all when the two parts are properly mixed. Epoxies come in different sizes, names, containers, and squeezing styles. Different epoxies have different purposes – mending, filling, and protective blanket. In this write-up, we'll focus on mending epoxies only as compared to super glues.

Where to get epoxy for ceramic repair?

Clear 2-part epoxy

Two-parts clear epoxy

mixing epoxy hardner and resin
Mixing two-function epoxy

Super Glues, Cyanoacrylate, Krazy / Crazy Glue

Super glues are a single component fabricated from Cyanoacrylate that hardens rapidly with a strong bond when exposed to wet in the air. It is a very thin watery liquid that tin be used directly out of the canteen without mixing. Yet, Super glues have very low shear strength (side push button or pull) which ways that the parts bonded will resist direct pulling but not off-angle stress. Super glues require a tight fit given the liquidity and very thin glue layer between the cleaved parts for proper bonding and therefore volition non fill in voids. Super Glues piece of work best on non-porous materials.

Lastly, Super glues effects subsequent layers of restoration such as fillers or paints used for implementing a seamless repair. With time, it will interact with this layer and volition appear in a different color like the example on the correct.

Super glue

Super glue interacting with repair layers (eastward.grand., paint)

Cementing and Filling in Gaps
Unlike super glues, mending epoxies are likewise gap fillers given the thickness of the parts mix. If the cleaved pieces do not have a perfect fit, epoxy will fill in the gaps while creating a bond between the broken pieces.

2-part even ratio mix
2-part even ratio mix
Epoxies Setting Fourth dimension
Epoxies are available for different set and cure fourth dimension and tin vary from minutes to several hours. Therefor, property the cemented parts in place until the epoxy sets can be a challenge. This time depends upon the chemical composition of the hardener. You will want to consider whether quick setting or slow setting epoxy is the most appropriate for your project.

Holding the cemented pieces by hand waiting for the duration of the cure time is not practical or accurate. We have created a tutorial illustrating some methods of keeping cemented segments safely in place while waiting for the adhesive to cure. See link or click on photo on right.

Mixing 2-part epoxy

Mixing 2-part epoxy

Mixing 2-part epoxy

Keeping pieces in identify while waiting
When to use slower setting epoxy?

If yous are working on small items that can be secured quickly, the quick setting 5 minute epoxy may exist your option. Spreading mucilage over larger items may require slower setting of product. Five minutes get by fast! Slower setting epoxy is generally stronger, although some brands have recently improved the strength for fast setting epoxies to be as good.

Applying 2-part epoxy
Applying two-part epoxy

High Temperature Failure
Superglues are fairly resistant to heat, just their strength volition be reduced. Information technology is not recommended for applications where the mucilage may exist exposed to temperatures over 200 degrees F. The bond will deteriorate with heat..

Nearly epoxies tin withstand temperatures up to 200° F (90° C). Anything higher and the molecular structure volition change, causing the epoxy to soften.

Cover full surface
Cover full surface
Repair Line Thickness and Colour
Super glues leave a thinner mending line while some epoxies have color; some are clear and others are yellowish, merely they all leave a thicker line. Therefore, consider appearance in your selection of epoxy. If further restoration is planned, (i.east. hiding repair lines with fillers, colors and cold glazes), select the stronger epoxy regardless of color.

Place and apply pressure
Place and apply pressure

Note: Lakeside Pottery Studio uses 3600 PSI clear epoxy (come across link) for most mending applications. Nigh clear mending epoxies practice yellow with fourth dimension when exposed to UV light (e.1000., sun or fluorescent light) and can impact the quality of the over-painting restoration effort.
Removing epoxy a bit later
Removing epoxy later

We recommend not to attempt cleaning excess epoxy while it is still liquid to avoid lining shift and smearing on to a larger surface expanse. Allow the epoxy cure partially to ensure a stable bond earlier removing excess cured epoxy with a blade (see more). Epoxy spillover on soft ceramic (east.thou., terracotta) is undesirable. In removing the excess epoxy you volition probable scratch soft ceramic or stone and cause further surface impairment.

Lakeside Pottery Studio does not employ super glues for ceramic or sculpture repairs. Super glues are just not strong and durable enough and are not suitable when used with a seamless repair given their interaction with other materials such every bit fillers and paints.

In almost of our ceramic restoration, we invest significant endeavor in hiding the repair and therefore accept to brand sure the mending longevity and visual performance are the all-time possible and will last indefinitely.

We use loftier-end, not-yellowing 5 minute clear epoxies (see link for the brand we practice use) in nearly ceramic, stone and Kintsugi repair applications.

Super glues are probably a practiced option for items that are not handled oftentimes, without long life expectation and subsequent layers of other materials are non practical over the mending areas.

How To Repair Cleaved Pottery - Video

Before and Afterward Repair Slideshow


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